Keep up to date on all Brian Dagle Foundation news and events
Only Control What You Can
Life often feels out of control, but when we experience loss, any illusion of control we once had disappears. It’s a common response to grab a tighter hold on any and every thing you could possibly control so that there aren’t any more surprises. If anything else goes wrong, we are certain we won’t survive. But this attempt at total control often makes healing impossible – when we hold tightly onto everything that might change or might go wrong, we also hold ourselves back from growth, and joy, and goodness. A few questions to ask yourself:How do you know when it’s time to let go of some of the anger and control in your grief?What are you holding onto that you need to let go of?What are you trying to control that isn’t yours to control?How would your grief change if you only kept what is yours to control and hold on to?
Come Celebrate With Us!
Each day we share Brian’s love and light in everything we do and are deeply honored to walk with many of you on your journey of loss, hope, and healing. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to work with hundreds of you to spread awareness and education about suicide prevention and trainings throughout Connecticut. We could not have achieved this milestone without the dedication and support of donors, volunteers, and the courageous participants in our community.
We would like to invite you and your friends to join us to celebrate this momentous milestone with a night of Irish music on March 15, 2025 at the Garde Theater in New London, CT.
Hope & Suicide Awareness Month
In September, we acknowledge the role that hope plays in grief and life as we recognize Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month.
Hope is what keeps us going and reminds us there is good to come even if we can’t see or feel it now.
But feeling hopeless (without hope) is a very real experience and it can often feel like there’s no choice but to harm yourself. That is why we do what we do: to remind everyone that there is always hope.
It’s okay to not be okay. And it’s okay to say you need help.
Continuing to Choose Hope
For 10 years, I’ve been writing, advocating, teaching, and speaking about National Suicide Prevention Month. Along with thousands of other advocates throughout the country, we work overtime each September to ensure that our voices are heard.
This year, it saddens me beyond words to share that, in Connecticut, we’ve seen a rise in suicide deaths of our young people. Suicide is complex. We know that there is no one reason that causes someone to end their life, but, it’s a perfect storm of life events and intense emotional pain that causes someone to come to the point of no return.
But I have hope because of 988.
Finding Meaning and Purpose in Grief
An intense part of life after loss comes after the shock starts to wear off when you’re filled with questions. What’s next? How did this happen? Who am I without them? What do I do now?
A few thoughts to help you stay curious about the journey ahead:
August at Brian’s Healing Hearts
The past few months I’ve been reflecting on the unwanted path I found myself on all those years ago. I recently attended the AFSP Long Term Survivor Summit as both a presenter and attendee. I was tasked with presenting a workshop on how I navigate the road as survivor to suicide loss and how I was able to start the Brian Dagle Foundation.
There are so many take-aways from my time there I’d like to share a few highlights.
Finding Identity After Loss (mid-month July 2024)
When someone we love dies, it can easily feel like we’ve also lost ourselves. Rediscovering yourself after loss is difficult and sometimes painful, but an important step in the grief journey. Here are some of the books and resources we recommend as well as some quotes to inspire you along the way.
If you’re stuck, consider the saying, “Be the thing you loved most about the ones you’ve lost.” What is something your loved one embodied that you’d like to embody yourself? How can you develop that trait?
July 2024
What a year it has been already, and it’s only half over!
This year we have been able to offer more types of events and continue to be blown away by the new and old faces that show up as we try new things. In the last six months, we’ve held retreats and workshops for those further along in their grief and new support groups for the people just finding their way in the tsunami of a fresh loss.
The Courage to Grieve (mid-June 2024)
At Brian’s Healing Hearts we are beginning to explore specific themes related to grief. This month, we are learning about and discussing the courage to grieve and the gift of vulnerability.
Grief is one of the most vulnerable experiences in life and with loss comes so many fears. We worry about those we love, fearing more loss. We face uncertainty and instability at work and home. Grief affects relationships and we fear abandonment because of our loss…
June 2024
Staff member Jaileen Barber reflects on the 2024 season of our LAX2LIVE lacrosse student-athlete mental health and suicide awareness program. Through LAX2LIVE, the Brian Dagle Foundation reaches over 1,000 high school and college lacrosse players each year, sharing Brian’s story and encouraging them to reach out and ask for help. The program’s motto “It’s okay to not be okay,” is repeated with each team, letting the athletes know they’re not alone.
I can confidently say that LAX2LIVE is one of my favorite parts of working at the Brian Dagle Foundation. LAX2LIVE season shows the passion students bring to the field after a hard day of school and we get to remind them that their mental health is just as important as their physical health…
May Mid-month 2024
It’s Mental Health Awareness Month! Throughout the month of May we are sharing information and encouragement over on the Brian Dagle Foundation Instagram Account. We encourage you to check in on those around you – even the people who seem the strongest can be struggling. Sometimes all you need to keep going is the kindness of another person.
May 2024
Mother’s Day: a day to honor and celebrate moms for their unconditional love with flowers, gifts, and Hallmark cards.
But what do we do for the moms whose child has died or those whose moms who are no longer here?
For many of us, Mother’s Day looks very different from the Hallmark card aisle at the store – our hearts are filled with mixed emotions of both happy and bittersweet memories.
April Mid-month 2024
Spring means it’s LAX2LIVE season once again. We are honored to have this opportunity to talk with student athletes each year and encourage them to take their mental health seriously. The 2024 LAX2LIVE schedule is listed below and for more information, visit our LAX2LIVE website.
April 2024
In April, we remember Brian. On April 2, Brian would be celebrating his 32nd birthday. When we remember someone who is no longer here on earth to celebrate their birthday, so many emotions flood our hearts.
Today, I share some of my experience when I think of Brian and his birthday.
It usually starts as February ends and March begins; it’s like clockwork. My body feels different. My heart is heavy, tears drop easy. The shift just happens. It’s been happening since that first birthday without you: April 2nd .
It is the thoughts, the questions, the missing. It returns, like an unwanted friend. But we learn to befriend our grief for it is our love with no place to go…
March Mid-Month 2024
As the trees are budding and daffodils blooming, we have so many new things developing at Brian’s Healing Hearts as well!
We encourage you to keep an eye on our events calendar for all upcoming events.
March 2024
A note from Chelsea Bourn, Brian Dagle Foundation Program Coordinator:
It’s been such a pleasure getting to know the Brian Dagle Foundation community since I started as Program Coordinator at the beginning of December.
From my first week at the Jingle Bell 5k, it was evident how compassionate and welcoming everyone is and how impactful and important the services here are to the shoreline community and beyond.
Though grief and loss are a new scope of practice for me professionally, I am finding many parallels with my background in mental health and trauma-focused work’ which; I am looking forward to applying and exploring with a new lens at Brians Healing Hearts. As I have navigated my own healing journey the last several years, I have been repeatedly reminded of the importance of supportive community, remaining present, and finding joy in small moments.
February Mid-Month 2024
With all the snow on the ground, we are thinking of the warmer spring and summer days ahead. But even once the weather changes, grief can leave us feeling like winter lingers in our hearts. Grief doesn’t melt with the snow. Sit with your grief, feel whatever comes your way, and remember: there is always hope.
If you’re needing extra support, don’t hesitate to reach out to someone you trust or join one of our grief support groups.
February 2024
I had the chance to attend a conference in January titled with Dr. Alan Wolfelt from the Center for Loss and Life Transition. The conference, “Living with Meaning and Purpose,” was created by Dr Wolfelt to help people maximize their natural gifts and strengths.
January Mid-Month 2024
As we settle into the new year, we have been dreaming and planning about new opportunities to provide comfort and support for all those who are grieving. We are excited for the new workshops, groups, and events 2024 will bring and are honored you’d continue to trust us with your grief.
January 2024
There is no doubt that 2023 was a year of growth at the Brian Dagle Foundation. And, I find, with each year, I am also growing, changing, and transforming from the loss of Brian. I have to believe that everyday Brian is teaching me how to love, live, and be the person I am.
After 12 years, I’ve learned to befriend the grief. There’s a knowing, an understanding of the undeniable connection between grief and love. Is this thing we are feeling still called grief or is it really our love with no place to go?
Happy Holidays 2024
At this time of year, in the middle of the holidays, I want you to know that you, your loved ones, and the loved ones who you’re missing are close to our thoughts.
While our holidays and new year’s celebrations may not always be as full of joy as we’d like, we wish you love and hope as we head into a new year.
December 2023
As 2023 draws to a close, we recognize that the holidays can be a difficult time for those dealing with loss. We have several upcoming events with those people in mind.
We hope you’ll join us and if not, we send you our warmest wishes for the holiday season and new year.
November Mid-Month 2023
With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I wanted to express my gratitude for everyone who supports the work we do at the Brian Dagle Foundation. Without your contributions we would not be able to do what we do.
This year we spoke with 1,000+ student athletes through the LAX2LIVE program and hosted over 70 people per week between all of our support groups. We were able to renovate the garage into The Cottage in order to accommodate larger support groups and host workshops and other events. We have been able to comfort those who are grieving and give hope to those who need to know it’s okay to not be okay.
November 2023
Another November comes around without Brian and I’m reminded of the ten lessons I have learned from my grief.
Here are ten lessons for you to remember:
1. Be present. The good, the bad, and the ugly. You cannot change the past but you can change how you react to it. Loosen your grip on the future- it really is out of your control.
2. Honor your mistakes, learn from them. Forgive yourself. Don’t dwell on the “if only”. Listen to your heart. It is your truth.
As the Holidays Draw Near…
With the changing leaves and cooler temperatures, we know that anticipating the holidays and New Year can be overwhelming and full of grief. We hope you’ll come join us at one of the events we’ll be hosting in the coming months.
Even when there is pain, there is hope.
October 2023
Suicide prevention month has been a blur…
We shared Brian and our story all over New England. We taught QPR and did tables and pop up at schools and Patriot’s Place. We had middle schoolers paint inspiring messages on rocks for our healing garden and walked with many of you at the AFSP Out of the Darkness Walk. We are hosting more support groups than ever before and we finished construction on our new space: The Cottage.
But we’re not done. We have so many exciting things coming up…
Mid-September 2023
Suicide prevention month is a busy time for us; we get more invitations to share our story and spread awareness about suicide than any other time of the year. And we are happy to do it because there’s so much we didn’t know when Brian died and we don’t want any other family to go through it alone.
Our message continues to be “there is hope.” There is always, always hope.
September 2023
Since 2008, September has been dedicated to Suicide Prevention Month.
It’s been 15 years but there is still so much awareness needed about this topic. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s (AFSP) latest campaign “Talk Away the Dark” is a touching discussion between a daughter and father surrounding the stigma of mental health and suicide.
AFSP believes there are many reasons why people shy away from this discussion, a common one being, “We might worry that saying the wrong thing will make it worse. So, we end up not saying anything – even though a few kind words can make the difference in connecting someone to help or supporting someone who experienced a suicide loss.”
For me, Suicide Awareness Month means I stand a little taller, speak a little louder, and try with all my heart to be the voice for the more than 49,000 people that died in 2022 from suicide. The number of people that have attempted is considerably higher. But we have to have HOPE…
Mid-August 2023
Help Present Suicide TONIGHT
We wanted to personally invite you to the QPR suicide prevention training we are hosting tonight. We have only a few spots open, so if you’ve been considering it, please respond to this email or call us right away at (860) 451-8354.
August 2023
So much to be thankful for…
August is usually a quiet time at Healing Hearts, but this year it has been as busy as any other month. We are gearing up for Suicide Prevention & Awareness month in September, our Annual Golf Tournament in October, and our 10th Annual Niantic Jingle Bell 5k in December!
Mid-July 2023
Holding On To Hope For You
With the heat and summer storms, we are reminded that we weather storms of the heart as well. Grief can feel like storm clouds and it’s easy to fear that life will always feel that way.
We hope you’ll continue to hold on to hope, no matter how small. And if hope feels to difficult to hold, we will carry it for you.
July 2023
LAX2LIVE recognized by Patriots Foundation and CSMA
This spring, we were honored to be notified by the Connecticut Sports Media Alliance that our LAX2LIVE program was being awarded the Bob Casey Courage Award. It was humbling to be acknowledged for the work we do. We do it for the student athletes who need to know it’s okay to ask for help. And we do it for Brian.
Mid-June 2023
There Is Always Hope (& Save The Date For Golf 2023!)
Summer brings a quieter schedule for some and more chaos for others. Regardless of your schedule, we hope you’ll take a moment to step outside and take a deep breath and remember there is always hope — even when it doesn’t feel like it.
June 2023
2023: The Most Successful LAX2LIVE Season to Date
Our LAX2LIVE Program was started to communicate the importance of mental health for high school lacrosse players. This year’s program reached record high numbers of student athletes, students, family members, and friends. LAX2LIVE focuses on the importance of one’s mental health, the need to reach out for help if you or someone you know is struggling, and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline – a resource that can save the life of someone who is in crisis…
Mid-May 2023
Grief And The Seasons (Plus Two Fundraisers)
As the trees have exploded with green and the gardens are beginning to bloom, we are reminded that grief comes in seasons, too. We hope you know we are here for you when you are full of hope and growth and also when you are weighed down by grief.
Thank you for inviting us to join you in this current season.
May 2023
Thoughts on Mother’s Day
Sending love to all who are hurting with the thoughts of Mother’s Day.
For those who struggle with infertility, have lost a pregnancy, lost an infant.
Or lost a child at any age. The pain and grief can be overwhelming.
And my heart goes out to anyone missing their mom today.
Holding all of you close in my heart in the days and weeks ahead.
April 2023
Brian Dagle, son of Dagle Foundation founders Paul and Ann Dagle, would have been 31 on April 2nd. The following is a note Ann wrote that captures her thoughts on the day.
Dear Brian,
Without fail, almost to the day, every year at this time, the memories flood my heart of that early April day when you arrived, shadowed by the darkness when you left. Why am I surprised that the twelfth birthday without you should be any different? How do I accept what is unacceptable?…
March 2023
On a walk this week, I was inspired to write Brian a letter. I hope it will encourage you to continue to love the people you have lost, to say their names, and to remember them through stories and photos.
“My dear sweet Son,
How do you describe something that was once a real, a beautiful, living soul that gets transformed into something that is a living legacy?
Over the years, I’ve tried my best to share you with the world. Somedays are easier to do that than others.
I’m not sure what today is...
February 2023
Broken Hearts Still Beat
Here we are in February. Heart health month. I wanted to share a message from my heart about your heart.
Many people who walk through the doors at Brian’s Healing Hearts are seeking help for their broken hearts. We talk about the strong connection between grief and health. The body understands when a heart has shattered. It undeniably responds with physical exhaustion, pain, illness, and sometimes heart disease.
Grief can be confusing because the heart and the brain are not always in sync, leaving you feeling like you’re losing your mind. The mind may understand that your loved one is not coming back. But the heart is usually slow to grasp onto reality, thinking your loved one is simply out of town or at work and will be home soon.
It’s ok…
January 2023
Starting a New Year
January 2023.
It will take some getting used to.
Another year, ready or not, life moves forward.
It still surprises me to be able to say that despite Brian’s death, eleven years ago, that my life has moved forward. And it’s beautiful. I am deeply grateful.
Many of you had something to do with that. You’ve touched my heart in a way that leaves me speechless…
December 2022
Thoughts on navigating the holidays…
As we settle into the darker, colder days of early winter here in New England, with the holidays on the horizon, I wanted to share a few thoughts as we navigate the weeks ahead.
Remember, it’s ok to set limits on your productivity at work or at home.
Give yourself permissions to say no thank you to holiday invitations.
Maybe we should follow the path of Mother Nature this time of year…
November 2022
November is for Brian
Every November since I began writing a newsletter, I try my best to share my thoughts about Brian and the emotions surrounding date he left this earth, November 12, 2011.
Eleven years.
Thinking about that day, really thinking about it – I question how I survived.
It feels like a lifetime.
It feels like yesterday…
October 2022
September has been a whirlwind of events to promote National Suicide Awareness Month. Talks, presentations, interviews, events, and fundraisers for both the Brian Dagle Foundation and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. I’ll be honest, it’s been exhausting, both physically and emotionally. But we continue to do it for Brian and for all the others out there who didn’t know how to share the depths of their darkness.
For parents, I pray never have to know the pain of losing a child to suicide.
For anyone struggling, you are not alone…
September 2022
September is Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month
“As the summer winds down, the Brian Dagle Foundation is preparing for National Suicide Awareness Month beginning September 1st.
This is the month that I stand a little taller, speak a little louder, and be the voice for the more than 46,000 people we lose to suicide each year.
The number of people who think about or attempt suicide is even higher. In 2020, an estimated 12.2 million American adults seriously thought about suicide, 3.2 million planned a suicide attempt, and 1.2 million attempted suicides.
August 2022
New suicide hotline…
Summer may be a quiet time here at Brian’s Healing Hearts, but a new mental health crisis resource recently launched that has us really excited.
On July 16, 2022, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK (8255)) is becoming the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. In Connecticut, the United Way of Connecticut/211 (UWC) Health and Human Services Contact Center is the only provider answering calls for the NSPL/988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. The 800 line and 211 will not go away in the event people need to call and aren’t familiar yet with 988...
July 2022
A record LAX2LIVE season
The 2022 LAX2LIVE season was an incredible opportunity for the foundation to start the necessary conversation with hundreds of young men and woman athletes about depression and suicide prevention. These players work hard, study hard, and put so much pressure on themselves, they (and we) sometimes forget to look at them as simply a person – not the athlete and not the student.
Our message is this: It’s okay to ask for help. You would ask for help if you hurt yourself on the field if you were sick. The same is true for your mental health. Talk about it. Ask friends if they’re ok. Really ask them. As athletes, you have each other’s back on the field. Do the same off of the field. Sometimes it’s okay not to be okay…
June 2022
As summer approaches…
School is coming to a close and summer traffic in Niantic is picking up. It’s been a busy spring for us at Healing Hearts and we have a few more exciting things coming up in June before a quiet summer.
This year we had 15 LAX2LIVE games with over 20 high school and college lacrosse programs represented. It was encouraging and inspiring to see the student athletes open up about mental health and take suicide prevention seriously…
May 2022
As the daffodils are bursting to life all over Niantic, we have been busy with LAX2LIVE games around Southeastern Connecticut. Connecting with high school and college students to share about suicide prevention is one of my favorite things about the work that we do and it’s a special way to remember Brian by sharing his love of lacrosse with another generation of players.
We have so many games this year, it’s difficult to keep up! Check out our social media for photos from all the different schools.
April 2022
“Dear Friends, Family, and Supporters,
This day arrives each year with the anticipation beginning about a month before when the calendar turns to March 2nd. Regardless of the number of years, the hesitation, the anticipations begins again, counting down to April 2nd. This year would have been a milestone year.
This year on April 2nd, Brian would have celebrated his 30th birthday.”
February 2022
Dear Friends, Family, and Supporters,
“Open your heart as often as you need to.” I read this quote four years to the day on which we opened our hearts to yours at Brian’s Healing Hearts. Four years ago, January 27, 2018. On that glorious sunny January day I was filled with emotions – love, joy, kindness, and, yes, that bittersweet sadness whispering why it all happened.

End of the Year Message from Ann
January 2022
Dear Friends, Family, and Supporters
In the final weeks of 2021, like most of us, I find myself reflecting on this past year. Honestly, I’m still processing the incredible growth and milestones the Brian Dagle Foundation has accomplished over the past twelve months.

A Reminder for You, through the holidays…
December 2021
Ready or not, here they come. They’re here, the Holidays. For so many grieving, this is a painful time of year. The messages of the most wonderful time of year and good cheer are enough to bring us to tears.

Keep the Conversation Going
November 2021
Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters-
We’re grateful you are here, although for many of you, we’re sorry you’re here. Chances are you discovered us through your loss. And now, we are walking this journey together as we navigate the wilderness of grief and loss, searching for the roads of healing and hope. Perhaps you learned about the Brian Dagle Foundation from a suicide prevention training, or from an event. We welcome you all to come along on this journey.

Better Together
October 2021
Dear Friends and Supporters,
As I’m writing this, Suicide Awareness Month is almost over. The good news is that currently the number of suicides during the past few years, overall has decreased.
The bad news is that certain categories such as race and ethnicity, have seen an increase in suicides. It’s also important to note that in 2019, there were nearly 2.5 times as many suicides (47,511) in the United States as there were homicides (19,141).

Need to Know News of the Month
September 2021
Dear Friends and Supporters,
This is a first for us. Two newsletters in one month. But there is so much happening this month we felt it warranted an extra mailing during this extra important month- Suicide Awareness Month, to share all the special events, programs, and fundraising opportunities available to our community.
We hope you will join us, support us, and be our ambassadors of hope in helping us to create awareness for suicide prevention and mental health.

Let’s Talk About It!
August 2021
Dear Friends and Supporters,
September is Suicide Awareness Month. It’s an opportunity to educate ourselves on a subject we tend to avoid.
Suicide Awareness and Prevention is a core part of the mission of the Brian Dagle Foundation which was founded in 2014 after the loss of my 19-year old son Brian to suicide. Back then, in 2011, there was little or no conversation about mental health and suicide. I did not know then what I know now. If I did, maybe my life would look very different.

Welcome to our Safe Space
July 2021
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Welcome. Whatever reasons brought you here, I’m glad you’ve arrived. Many of you are traveling the long and winding road of grief and loss. Others are seeking support, understanding, and conversation surrounding mental health and suicide awareness. Or maybe you’re just curious about who we are and what we do!

An Invitation to Remember
June 2021
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Since the start of the Covid-19 Pandemic in March of 2020, the 9 Southeastern Connecticut towns that comprise the Ledge Light Health District have collectively lost 284 residents to Covid-19 (as of this writing). While there has been a national time for remembrance of those lost, commemorative events have yet to take place on a local level in most states/cities/towns.

We Live by the Three H’s – Helping, Healing, and Hope
February 2020
Dear Friends and Supporters,
“How can I help?” I love that phrase. I borrowed these words from the popular television show, New Amsterdam. Each time the profoundly warm hearted Dr. Max Goodwin met someone, he would ask, “How can I help?”
Four simple words we can all live by.
Please take a moment to look through the recently updated website at and wonder, how can we help?

Saying Hello to a Year of Hope and Healing
January 2020
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Welcome the the Brian Dagle Foundation. I’m glad you found us.
Maybe you are here because someone in your life has died and you’re left wondering,”how do I survive”? Perhaps you want to support someone who is grieving and wondering what do I say?
Did your search bring you here because you or someone you care about is struggling with mental health or even thoughts or suicide?

Jingle All the Way!
December 2019
Dear Friends and Supporters,
It’s that time of year again when all the Elves, Grinches, and Santa’s will dressed in their holiday best, lacing up their sneakers to walk or run for a great cause-the Brian Dagle Foundation’s 6th Annual Niantic Jingle Bell 5K.
Exciting news to share this year. Everyone is a winner! Every person who crosses the finish line receives our specially designed Niantic Jingle Bell 5K finisher medal!

A Message of HOPE
November 2019
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all. — Emily Dickinson
Recently, I spoke about hope. It seems to be front and center in my life lately. On October 19, the Brian Dagle Foundation celebrated five years of “Anchored in Hope”. It was both a celebration and an opportunity to honor and thank all of the people who have given me hope.

Special Grief Support Events
September 2019
Dear Friends and Supporters,
The Brian Dagle Foundation — anchored in hope and empowered to support, is dedicated to the healing of grieving adults as well as community education on suicide prevention and awareness.
We are pleased to offer two workshops to support those who are grieving.
Understanding Your Grief and a Meditation Workshop.

My How We’ve Grown!
August 2019
Dear Friends and Supporters,
The Brian Dagle Foundation is almost five years old. The official date stamp on the IRS Letter of Determination (501(c)3), is September 14, 2014.
My how we’ve grown! And, with growth comes change. The mission, although it remains the same, the words are now clear and heartfelt, “anchored in hope and empowered to support”.