July at Brian’s Healing Hearts
What a year it has been already, and it’s only half over!
This year we have been able to offer more types of events and continue to be blown away by the new and old faces that show up as we try new things. In the last six months, we’ve held retreats and workshops for those further along in their grief and new support groups for the people just finding their way in the tsunami of a fresh loss.
I have had the privilege of sharing my story with people at the FBI, the National Guard, the Lyme Academy of Fine Arts, Federal lawmakers, and suicide survivors at a national American Foundation for Suicide Prevention conference. We continue to train community members in QPR Suicide Prevention and spread the news about the 988 suicide and mental health crisis hotline.
I couldn’t have imagined any of this when we started the Brian Dagle Foundation nearly 10 years ago.
As we approach our 10th anniversary, we are thinking of different ways to celebrate all the lives that have been touched. This summer we would like to install a Wind Phone in the Healing Garden and we are in need of a few volunteers to construct a small shelter for it. We are excited to bring a Wind Phone to Niantic and know it will bring comfort to many. You can learn more about the world-wide project at MyWindPhone.com. If you are interested in helping, reply to this email or contact Chelsea@BriansHealingHearts.org.