The Start of a New Year
Ready or not, here it is: a new year.
This time of year it’s everywhere:New year, new you. It’s time for a fresh start! Out with the old, in with the new.
On paper it sounds like a great idea. In reality, how do you let go of the grief, the love, the reminders, that you’re missing special people in your life? Your brain tells you one thing and your heart says something completely different.
Humans are remarkable creatures.
We have the ability to juggle multiple emotions at once.
Joy and sadness or pride and sorrow.
Simultaneously we hold the intensity of the deepest grief and the immense love for people who are not physically here with us.
Yet, we feel their love. It’s as true as the pure blue sky and the memories that glue our broken hearts together.
Moving forward with our grief is a balancing act of holding on and letting go. Trust that in the letting go you will not fall. Know that in holding on, your heart returns to the rhythm it was meant to find. It takes practice.
Give yourself grace if you fall. Listen to your heart. Let go, hold on, and repeat.
Wishing you all moments of peace, glimmers of hope, and the love that you deserve in 2025.
With love,
Ann and the Brian Dagle Foundation family