Suicide Awareness Month
September is Suicide Awareness Month.
It’s an opportunity to educate ourselves on a subject we tend to avoid.
Suicide Awareness and Prevention is a core part of the mission of the Brian Dagle Foundation which was founded in 2014 after the loss of my 19-year old son Brian to suicide. Back then, in 2011, there was little or no conversation about mental health and suicide. I did not know then what I know now. If I did, maybe my life would look very different.
In the era of post Covid-19, as we try to piece our worlds back together, our mental health should remain a priority, and be treated the same as our physical health. It’s more important than ever that we be there for each other and take steps to prevent suicide. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death. In 2019, 47,511 people died by suicide and it is estimated that over 1.38 million people attempted suicide.
You don’t have to be a mental health professional to make a difference. There are simple things we can all do to safeguard our mental health, and you don’t have to do it alone.
A few of the warning signs to look for maybe any change in normal behavior, sleep disturbances, impulsivity, and anxiety. Suicide is a complex issue. However, through education and awareness we can all learn new ways to help each other and save lives. We are pleased to be hosting a free community QPR suicide prevention training on September 30th.
Our family, along with many other supporters, survivors, and those living with mental health will be participating in the Niantic Out of the Darkness Walk on September 19th. We’re excited that the Bright Music Festival will be joining us at the Niantic Walk to further promote mental health awareness with resources, activities, and of course music to brighten our day!!
Please consider joining us as walk out of the darkness and into the light of hope, honoring the lives lost but also the lives we may save.
If you or someone you know is struggling, please call 1-800-273-8255(TALK) or text HOME to 741-741
To learn more about suicide awareness and prevention and the work of the Brian Dagle Foundation and Brian’s Healing Hearts Center, visit
Wising you moments of peace-